When He Started Talking To Himself, They Knew Something Was Wrong

Basya Friedman used to live a normal life. That was before her father started hearing voices. 

Basya was always very close with her “Tatte’le”. They would sing beautifully harmonized zemiros together on Shabbos and take long walks together every afternoon. But right before her brother’s Bar Mitzvah, Basya’s father started acting strange. 

That’s when things started to become frightening.

“He was afraid of the world, afraid to speak to anyone. He began to see and hear things that were not there. It breaks my heart in two to see our Tatty, who was once such a strong and happy man, become so sick,“ writes the heartbroken daughter. “Now he is unable to function.”

In an attempt to try and take over the financial burden, Basya’s mother began to work in a local supermarket. But without her husband working, the mother of four struggles to cover the most basic bills. The family is now dangerously poor. They literally cannot afford groceries to eat. Each shabbos, neighbors bring them food. Without that help, they would have nothing.

Basya is now engaged, and has no idea where to start. Her only hope is the help of strangers via her hachnasas kallah fund. Without donations, there is no way she will be able to make a simple wedding, or afford the things she needs to start her new home. 


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