Amudim Got Yossi Into Rehab- Now He Needs Your Help Staying There!

Yossi, a bochur in his early 20’s, was a victim of physical and emotional abuse as a child. He comes from a dysfunctional family and suffers from severe depression and thoughts of suicide.

He was encouraged by Amudim to enter an intensive rehab program for treatment. He enrolled and major progress was shown.

Generous individuals have provided the first few months of his treatment, but they, unfortunately, cannot pay for the final months of his rehabilitation. The rehab center threatened to terminate his treatment because there is no more funding. If he does not complete his treatment, his condition will worsen!

It is crucial that he completes the process and achieves a full recovery!

Yossi wants to stay and get the help he needs- we cannot let him down.

Chazal teaches us that if you save one Jew, it is as if you saved the entire world.

You have an opportunity to save a holy neshama and bring him back to keeping Shabbos and becoming a shomer Torah umitzvos once again. This is his goal.

This is purely a case of hatzalas nefashos.

Your donation will help take him out of his horrible situation and get his life back together. He will have a second chance in life and a new beginning.

Please donate generously to his cause. In this zechus, may you merit many years of success and Mazal


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