Rebbe Shares Nevuah Right Before His Recent Petirah

As per his minhag, Rav Yisroel Nissen Rosenblum ztz”l, the late Rebbe of Kretchinef would read Sefer Devarim in his home every Hoshana Raba. One year ago he was doing so when he got up to the posuk “Yechi Reuven v’al yamos.” He paused, raised his powerful voice and made a proclamation “As long as I remain alive, Reuven Noteh will not die.”

The Rebbe passed away shortly after.

Who was Reuven Noteh? Why was he mentioned in the Kretchnif Rebbe’s prophecy so close before his death? 

Reuven Noteh was the Rebbe’s gabbai, friend and closest confidant. The Rebbe relied on him for friendship and constant chizuk. This past September, Reuven developed an infection in his lungs. On Rosh Hashanah, he was intubated and on a respirator. He was fighting for his life. Shortly after the Rebbe’s death, Reuven died, just like the Rebbe predicted.

The current Kretchnif Rebbe shlita explains how it is as if the Rebbe ztz”l has called for his friend to join him in shamayim. 

“Tatty was the most incredible father I could have ever asked for,” says his son Elimelech. “Though he was disabled, he always had a smile on his face for us. He always wiped our tears when he cried. As his son, I saw him like noone else can. his heart was so beautiful. His death was very hard on us.”

Noteh leaves behind a grieving family with no father and no income. An emergency fund has been set up to help provide the basics needed to keep a roof over their heads and food on their table. To help out, click here.

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