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๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐ŸณJoin The Big Influencers Challah Bake๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿณ A Project of Partners in Torah Free Event

I don’t know about you, but my head is spinning with all of the election mayhem. The divisive energy is swarming in the streets like an angry nest of bees, and it’s producing all but a sweet feeling within our communities.


The time has come to bring us all together. And you know who has the power to do that? Well, historically, it has always been the women who rose above the kerfuffle of uncertainty and disunity and bound together to form a united force towards faith and hope. Women have a unique power to influence our surroundings and turn the tide of humanity for the better.


I am so honored to be representing Partners in Torah this Thursday night, November 5th, in a collective effort with renowned social media influencers to bring Jewish women together in unprecedented numbers for an international Challah Bake. “Why a Challah bake” you may ask? Well, it’s no secret that for the past few years, millions of challahs have popped out of ovens all over the world from these Great Big Challah Bakes, an inspirational brainchild of the Shabbat Project. Why have we suddenly become obsessed with these braided beauties that they’ve taken center stage?


Truth be told, this isn’t the first time challah had the limelight. If you go back in time, you will find that the first challah ever made in history ironically was not made by a woman (gasp!), and didn’t even involve flour (be still, my gluten-free friends, that’s not where I’m going.) It contained something far less tasty…a fistful of earth. Yes, the first mention of challah is when G-d separated a portion of earth from the ground, mixed it with water, and formed man like a dough. Adam was called the “challah of the world”.


Challah represents mankind. And after G-d created the first prototype, he handed the delicate task of creating, shaping and forming humanity to none other than the women. Women hold the key not only to the physical creation of human life, but to the spiritual and emotional growth of humankind as we know it. With our words, our actions, and our strength, we can shape and mold humanity for the better. And just like dough, with enough patience and warmth, the people in our families and communities can rise to achieve their fullest potential. 

I believe it’s no accident that the elections fell on the week of this Challah Bake. I’m eager to wash my hands of this sticky political residue and get elbow deep in some holy dough. It’s time to own our power of influence on the world. Are you with me?

Sign up here FREE!

Adina Stilerman

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