Donald Trump And Current Anxiety Levels

Donald Trump is projected to win if you trust the polls based in…….

However, political pundits across the US are predicting a Biden win.

Time will tell who wins, and perhaps it will take a long time to tell.

However, if you are nervous, concerned or anxious, one thing you should do right now is give some tzedaka.

Waaaaaaaiiiiit a minute, you are thinking. That was clickbait. This has nothing to do with the elections. You are right. It doesn’t. But if the headline was “women and children trapped in Arab villages need to be rescued”, would you have clicked on it?

Perhaps. However you are here now, so please take the five minutes and five dollars (more is also ok) and help Yad L’Achim save some lives. (Even if you  simply found this post amusing)

CLICK HERE to save Jewish lives through Yad L’Achim or visit YADLACHIM.ORG 

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