Bring out the best in  your colleagues, friends, and family! Free Coaching Webinar on Sunday, November 15th!

I had a roomful of teachers squirming in their seats.

This is Shalom Storch, a professional certified coach at the Center for Coaching and Leadership Training. A few years ago, I opened a teachers’ workshop with this, “I believe with perfect faith that every person sitting here is creative, resourceful, and whole. Raise your hand if you agree.” 

Of course, all the teachers agreed. Then I asked them to take out their roll books and repeat that same sentence about their students. And THAT’S when they started squirming. The teachers DIDN’T believe all their students were creative, resourceful, and whole.

But if they had, most of their classroom management problems wouldn’t exist. Because when we believe that our students/kids/friends/employees are creative, resourceful, and whole, we stop trying to force solutions down their throats.

You probably see this in your own life‒kids not listening to the rules you dish out as a parent or teacher. Employees stuck in a rut despite all your pep talks. Friends and family that come to you for advice but never follow through with your suggestions.

Telling other people what to do NEVER works. NEVER. So how DO we help our clients, family, and friends find solutions?

As a principal, I wondered that, too, until I discovered coaching. And you can learn it, just like I did.

I’m offering a FREE one-hour webinar called Empower Your Professional and Personal Relationships with Coaching Skills on Sunday, November 15th. (Registration link here.)

You’ll walk through the coaching process with my exclusive “5 C’s of Coaching” and discover how to create positive outcomes for your clients, friends, & family, even if they’ve been stuck for years.

You’ll understand what it means to “lead consciously” and how you can become an intuitive listener who asks compelling, productive questions.

You’ll experience coaching principles in a live, mini-coaching session to learn the hands-on applications that will bring your colleagues, friends, & family to a creative, problem-solving space.

Imagine becoming the go-to person for solutions in your office, family, or community! Or this could be the first step on your path to a lucrative coaching career.

Here’s the link to register. 

Coaching courses can cost thousands of dollars, so don’t miss this free training.

I’m looking forward to meeting you at the webinar on Sunday, November 15th! Click here to Empower Your Professional and Personal Relationships with Coaching Skills.

Rabbi Storch conducting a three-week teacher training seminar in Olney, Maryland

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