Save a business and win a dream apartment in Yerushalayim!

You can win a luxury Yerushalayim apartment worth $1,000,000 and also keep Eretz Yisrael’s small businesses open. It’s year #3 of The Dream Raffle.

Corona has hit us all hard; medically, emotionally, and of course financially, especially small businesses – of which many have already closed their doors…

Shmuel Sackett, founder of Am Yisrael Chai Foundation and the Dream Raffle, could not simply stand by. Together with his son Gabi, they started looking for Israeli small businesses that had been hit hard by Corona and they rushed to help them.


IDI Advertising Solutions is a company with approximately 20 employees in Yerushalayim. They handle promotion and publicity for the cultural industry in Eretz Yisrael, concerts, culture and major events. Since the outbreak of Corona, these events have all been cancelled and IDI had begun to experience a serious decline in business. Thanks to the Dream Raffle, a generous check was given to IDI and their doors remained open. 20 families kept their income!


Itamar owns a small business in Peduel that provides sales and computer services. While it is true that people started buying more computers lately, the small businesses encountered a shortage of supplies of new devices.

When they placed orders with the importers, they were told that all the new computers only go to the big chain stores. Itamar did not have stock available and was in danger of closing its business. Again, the Dream Raffle helped with a very generous grant so he could continue his business.


These are two small examples of how the Dream Raffle helps support small businesses in Israel during

these challenging times. Think about it; a person buys a raffle ticket – and can win a $1,000,000 apartment in Yerushalayim – and his money immediately helps small businesses that have been hit hard by Corona. That is truly a “WIN-WIN”!

This is a raffle you cannot miss.

Enter Today!

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