Watch: 18th Annual Worldwide Event for Yarzeit Rachel Imeinu featuring:” A Time for Unity”

Join us this Wednesday and Thursday for our 18th Annual Worldwide Event for Yarzeit Rachel Imeinu: A Time For Unity. This 1 and 1/2 hour video has a special focus on HOW to achieve unity.

With an introduction by HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, and special message from Eretz Yisrael just recorded by Rabbi Yitzhok Dovid Grossman,  inspiring shiurim by  Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Zecharia  Wallerstein, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, and “Rav Gav” Friedman, this year’s event is for men as well as women. Video is free, with a suggested donation.

You can earn DOUBLE MERIT on the Yarzeit of Rachel Imeinu from this Worldwide Event, with the DOUBLE POWER of Torah Shiurim and Tzedaka combined. All proceeds go to Aniyei Eretz Yisroel (the poor and needy of Eretz Yisroel) through the Torah Umesorah Aniyim Fund. 

 DOUBLE POWER FOR YOUR TZEDAKA: All proceeds received before Chanuka will be DOUBLED with Matching Funds.   
Donate today in the merit of Rachel Imeinu you will have an incredible Zechus  for health , parnasah , shidduchim  and yeshuos! Donate for refuah sheleima , or in memory of a love one.

For more info please contact [email protected]. Event Website


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