A Yeshiva for You

Does this sound like You?


You are in college or have a job?

You want to learn at your own page?

You want the option to learn part of the day?

You finished learning in Israel?

You can’t learn in Israel now?

You want Rebbeim who will guide you?

You want a chavrusa with a Rebbe or Kollel yungerman?

You want to be a part of a yeshiva- not just a place to stop in?


Yeshivas Ruach Hatorah, under the auspices of Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi Menachem Mark, and Reish Mesivtas Rabbi Yisroel Leib Burstein and Rabbi Meir Koplowitz, may be the right place for You.


Call 347.525.8643- WhatsApp 718.552.6361- Email [email protected]


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