A Mother Suffering from more Heartbreak than Imaginable is Pleading for her Daughter’s Life

Esther went missing after stopping medication for her psychiatric disorder; her mother had no idea where she could be and was frantic and desperate. Several months later she was found homeless, emaciated, and landed in jail. 

Please help save Esther’s life today by donating whatever you can at: https://thechesedfund.com/helpsaveesther/thechesedfundcomhelpsaveesther.

A letter from Esther’s mother:


Dear Friends,

I am writing as a single mother who is suffering tremendously – in a desperate effort to save my daughter’s life. My eldest child was crippled by severe disabilities which tremendously impacted the upbringing of my younger children. Esther* is my fifth child, and she is a gem of child.

Esther had a gentle soul, but ever since she was a young girl, she suffered from a mental illness that was out of her control. I was naive at that time and did not have information or access to mood stabilizing drugs or treatment. As a single mother I struggled to provide for my children. Esther is a very kindhearted soul and always spent her pocket change on little gifts for me. After a hard day, I could count on Esther to make me smile. When the family was separated, Esther mailed handwritten Rosh Hashanah cards to each of her siblings.

It was terribly painful to watch Esther struggle to make friends and find happiness in school. She was dyslexic, and an easy target for bullying. When she had a car, her “friends” would ask her for a ride to a party and then not invite her in. Esther was fourteen when her dad passed away, and something broke inside of her. Her self-loathing and inner torment took over her life.

Despite everything, Esther persevered through seminary and college. She started taking medication and was building a better life for herself with a job in a day school where all the children loved her. When Esther’s medication ran out, she was in a good place and thought she did not need them anymore. Yet, without her medication, her sickness came crashing back.

Pretty soon, my daughter went missing for many months. We found her homeless and emaciated, a shell of her true self. Esther was in prison, so I turned to the Aleph Institute in despair. Aleph went past my wildest expectations in their efforts to rescue Esther. The Aleph team worked around the clock to help her and get her into a proper facility that can help. There are no words to express my immense relief that she is no longer living on the streets. In the new facility, she is progressing every day and is ready to turn her life around. Esther, who was always very spiritual, is now reconnecting to her soul with Aleph’s support and guidance. She loves praying every day from her siddur, cherishes the peace of Shabbos and has decided to dress modestly. Esther’s Emunah is breathtaking, it astounds me every day. Her faith in Hashem is deeply inspiring! Esther is smiling again and as a mother, there is no greater gift.

I am confident, and the doctors have confirmed, that with continued treatment Esther can have a beautiful future BEH. Her life has been full of obstacles, yet her spirit triumphs every time. Esther dreams of getting married and having children, and I know she will be the best mother because she is brimming with love, warmth and intelligence.

We need to raise $90,000 to cover the critical – but expensive costs – of the incredible residential facility she is living in and the top-notch psychiatric care and therapy she is receiving – and needs to resume receiving. All the donations will go directly to an escrow account by Alana Yakov-Lev, our angel and attorney, who is overseeing this effort. (They are not tax-deductible.)

I am beseeching you from the bottom of a mother’s heart to please help Esther have a second chance at a better life. Esther has already overcome more hurdles than most of us encounter in our lifetimes. She has been bullied, abused and suffered loss and trauma beyond belief. Please help us ensure that she will be given the tools needed to heal and rebuild.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Esther’s Mother




The following Rabbis and Community Leaders support this letter:

Rabbi Gershon Bess of Kehilas Yaakov
Rabbi Berish Goldenberg of Toras Emes
Rabbi Boruch Yehuda Gradon of Merkaz HaTorah Kollel
Rabbi Yona Landau of Touch of Kindness
Rabbi Nechemia Langer of Shaarei Torah
Rabbi Shimon Raichik of Congregation Levi Yitzchak
Dr. Irving Lebovics of Agudath Israel of California
Gary Apfel of Troutman Pepper
Rabbi Zvi Boyarsky of The Aleph Institute

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