“Bochur to Bochur”: Our Bochurim Are Struggling. What Are We Doing?

Most Bochurim struggle. Alone. Desperate. Many feel helpless. Many have given up.

The Bochurim of our generation need help. They need guidance. They need encouragement. They need to learn the tools and perspectives that will lead them through their struggles. They need to learn how to overcome the raging Yetzer Hara. They need to know that they have hope.

One Bochur took the task. He wrote something which must be read by every Bochur living in today’s world. It is called “Bochur to Bochur”. It is a life changing eBook, written in letter form. It is a pleasant and enjoyable read and won’t take too much time.

If you are a Yeshiva Bochur, then this is a letter written to you. It is a letter from a fellow Yeshiva Bochur about an Inyan where the importance and the awareness are worlds apart. It is a letter about arguably the biggest challenge in today’s day and age. It is a letter that will teach you that you are not alone. It will teach you how to forgive yourself and how to overcome the biggest struggles and challenges. Try it. Start it. I think that you will enjoy it. I think that you will grow a lot from it. If you read it well, I honestly think that it can seriously impact your life. This letter was written with one purpose, to help you.

If you are a parent or Mechanech of a Yeshiva Bochur, you must know that there is a good chance that your son/talmud is struggling. Even the best Bochurim struggle. You can help him. Tell him about this letter. Recommend it to him. If you can, print it out for him. It is well- worth the paper and ink. It is very possible that doing this, will help him overcome his biggest struggles and allow him to grow to great heights.

This letter was reviewed by Guardyoureyes.com. This is what they said about it. “Although we have many eBooks and resources that deal with this topic, we feel that this particular booklet is powerful specifically because it is coming from one bochur to another, as opposed to being written by a Mechanech or therapist who is coming from a different place. The booklet is inspiring for adults as well, but especially appropriate for Bochurim. We highly recommend reading it and downloading it for your teen children.”

Download the PDF here

To view on Google-drive click here.

If you would like to get a taste of it to see if you should spend the time to read it, there is a short summary which will take about 5 minutes to read. It summarizes most of the main ideas. It is not meant to be a replacement, rather a summary like those in the back of a book. It cannot compare to the full version which is full of hardcore chizuk and beautiful maareh mekomos.


Additionally, here is the final summary which is written in the back of the eBook. It is a list of the main yesodos and eitzos which are presented throughout the entire letter. In the full letter they are laid out beautifully with powerful maareh mekomos to back them up.

Final summary


Tools for success

Make Gedarim.

Daven for yourself.

Learn for the sake of overcoming the Yetzer Hara.

Embrace life and forget sin.

Make Shemiras Einayim a habit.

Make success in struggles a habit.

Think about how incredibly chamur the issur really is.

Understand that pleasure will not make you happy, but overcoming your desire will.

Understand that these Aveiros are pas nisht for a Ben Torah and Ben Melech like you.

Think of Aveiros as completely not shayich for you.

Understand that life is about overcoming one struggle at a time.


What to think about after a failure

You can think about how the sin is not part of who you are, rather it is just a mistake you made in the past.

You can think about how you are supposed to separate this specific struggle from the rest of your Avodas Hashem.

You can think about how everyone does Aveiros, even gedolim.

You can think about how failure leads to greatness and about how it is in our blood to be able to get back up after a fall.

You can think about the incredible opportunity for growth that failure presents.

You can daven to Hashem to “הסר שטן מאחריך,” or say your own heartfelt Tefilla to be able to rise back up (in English).

You can think about how R’ Tzadok says that success is not always within your free will, and about how it is possible that sometimes the test is just to see if you will get back up.

You can think about how Hashem was the one who created the Yetzer Hara and about how He does not expect you to be perfect.

You can think about Hashem’s endless unconditional love He has for you and about how you are supposed to mimic that by loving yourself unconditionally.

You can think about how the Torah specifically stresses that Taaveh is natural and normal and about how you should not feel discouraged, rather encouraged to be greater.

Bochur to Bochur

[email protected]

Any feedback will be appreciated. Thank you.


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