As two hard working individuals, they never thought they’d be asking for help..

This time last year Amos and Meira Shamir were looking forward to an exciting month of Tishrei. Their meals would be delicious and plentiful, and their table would be filled with guests as they shared the joy of the holidays with others.

Their feelings as they approach Sukkos this year could not be more different.

One year ago, Amos and Meira didn’t have a care in the world. Amos was a successful tour guide and Meira was earning a nice salary as a receptionist in a popular Jerusalem hotel.

Their three children were happy, healthy, and well taken care of.

All was well in their world.

And then, COVID – 19 rocked the globe and turned their personal world upside down.

The tourism industry in Israel was simply knocked off its feet in a matter of days.

Amos stopped receiving calls requesting his services, and Meira’s hotel closed down.

In a matter of moments, they both found themselves out of work and worrying about how they would provide for their family.

The weeks of the lockdown stretched out into months and any savings that they had have dwindled.

They now find themselves desperately in need of assistance.

Amos and Meira have never been poor. They don’t know where to turn for help and are too ashamed to ask for assistance.

Thousands of families like the Shamirs are destitute and without resources…the most at-risk citizens in Israel.

Please help, please make sure that our fellow Jews in Israel can greet the New Year with dignity, and with the knowledge that they are cared for by their brothers and sisters across the world.

Join the Tishrei Drive to help provide for the needs of tens of thousands of families in need this Yomtov.

Visit for more information and to take part.

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