Coming Clean with Keren Neki Kapayim

It’s that time of year again. Klal Yisroel is fully transitioned into teshuvah mode. We’re working on our tefilah, introspecting on our daily lives, seeking to make amends with our acquaintances, and just looking to become better people overall. But for many of us, there’s that one little dormant space in our heart that gives us a sense of uneasiness. 

We each have our own stories. Something we’ve damaged or something we’ve borrowed way back when. Of course, we want to come clean and make good on our mishaps. It’s just that we don’t know whom we even owe.

Sometimes, it can be something more significant. A business deal or other transaction that somehow landed us with money or merchandise that’s not ours – yet we have no way of figuring out whose money it really is. The possibilities are endless. And for many of us, at this time of year, these stories create gnawing feelings in our heart. 

How dare we stand before the Ribbono Shel Olam asking for bracha when our hands are sullied by money or assets that are wrongfully in our possession? 

The good news is that, yes, there is a solution; something brand new, or actually, almost brand new. Keren Neki Kapayim is a recently devised initiative developed by leading Gedolei Haposkim in Eretz Yisroel. The process involves a five-step method designed to immediately effectuate a complete and permanent return of the possessions of their rightful owner, whoever or wherever they might be.

The funds are deposited into a well-established gemach, which will generate infinite zechusim for the owner until the time that he can be identified and take possession of the actual funds.

Each year, the dayanim of Keren Neki Kapayim hold a special Ma’amad Hashava session on Erev Yom Kippur, where they effectuate the hakna’ah on behalf all depositors. This year, the Keren has expanded its operations, opening a special American headquarters to serve yidden from across the United States.

The Ma’amad Hashava here in the US is sheduled for this coming Sunday, Erev Yom Kippur, at 3:00 PM .To take part in this year’s Ma’amad Hashavah, click here or  call the Neki Kapayim hotline today at 732. 569.9740.

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