The Elephant In The Room

Did you know that tens of thousands of Yidden are carrying a huge, unbearable secret?

Below is just a tiny sampling of hundreds of messages that we received in recent weeks from people whose lives have been transformed by GuardYourEyes.

This has only been possible thanks to Klal Yisroel’s support!

Please help with our annual Yomim Nora’im campaign to partner in the Teshuva of thousands!

I’m a prominent person in my community who is mechazek other people with these issues… but unfortunately, I have been struggling very much myself for many years. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on therapy to break free, but it didn’t help. Today, with GYE’s help, I’m celebrating 100 days clean! 一35 year old

On Rosh Hashanah last year, when listening to the Shofar, I begged Hashem to help me to not keep falling in Shmirat Habrit. And Hashem gave me the gift of finding GYE. Thanks to you I’m clean for more than 200 days!!! 一17 year old

Feeling extremely depressed with no one to talk to I reached out to you GYE. No words can describe the thanks I have to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for leading me to GYE and through that, fixing my relationship with my father and saving me from potential sakanas nefashos… 一21 year old

Hi, It feels like I’m 90 days old. I was reborn 90 days ago when I signed up to this program. I can’t say it’s been easy but it’s definitely worth it. I’m starting to feel that I’m getting back control of my life, as if someone else was driving recklessly and I took the wheel back into my own hands. 一34 year old

I can’t thank you enough! I always related to these struggles as being beyond my ability to completely resist. GYE’s advice is mamash a game changer for me. 一 22 year old

I have been living until now a double life, on one side a shtark guy in a shtark yeshivah, on the other somebody who can’t control himself. The past zman was good and I was getting myself under control, or at least I thought so, but the Corona virus has ruined it for me. I look around at all my friends and wonder if anyone else goes through what I go through? Am I normal? Am I sick? But when I was crying I said a kapital tehillim out of despair, it seems help wasn’t long in coming. I found GYE right afterwards.  一17 year old

B”H we’ve helped over 5,000 people like this in 5780!

In 5781 we’re planning to expand the amount of people we help each year, so that ultimately we reach every single yid who needs help. Our goal for the coming year is to reach 20,000 new members! But we can’t do it without your help.

Click here to make a secure donation

Have a G’mar Chasima Tovah!

P.S. To learn more please watch our video by clicking the image below.


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