HaRav Grossman Shlita Shows How Three Separate Mitzvos Are Actually Connected

HaRav Yitzhak Dovid Grossman shlita, one of the recognized Gedolei HaDor of our generation, has made it his life mission to help underprivileged kids, many from dysfunctional homes, reach their fullest potential. He started the legendary Migdal Ohr educational network, which has grown to become one of the largest non-profit organizations in the country, helping 10,000 kids every day, including providing shelter, clothing, hot meals, youth clubs and schooling for those who need it. He considers all of these kids “his” children. In his years of saving tens of thousands of youth, he has been exposed to more suffering than the average human mind can fathom and has seen it all. Yet one tragic case stands out in his mind which keeps him up every night, because he doesn’t know what will become of a special boy in the community named Yaakov.

Yaakov came from a very loving home. HaRav Grossman calls it a home of “very holy people.” Unfortunately, Yaakov’s parents became ill during his childhood and much to their chagrin they couldn’t take care of him physically, so with the Rav’s help, suitable foster homes were found, though he missed his parents and their warmth terribly and suffered for years because of his longing to return “home.” 

Circumstances forced Yaakov to “grow up” at a young age. An ambitious and pragmatic kid, he realized that one day he was going to get married, but wouldn’t have parents who could help with the wedding, so for many years he worked extremely hard. He saved up enough money to pay for a wedding and have enough money to start married life. Because of his immedicable middos, he easily got engaged to a Kallah from a family of Bnei Torah. The young “orphan” who single handedly got himself back on his feet inspired an entire community, most of all his proud Rav. 

As the wedding date approached, tragedy struck and Yaakov became critically ill. Lucky he had his “wedding” money to pay for his expensive, life saving treatments but soon his entire life savings were depleted. He now has no money to continue his treatment, nor money to get married.

Helping Yaakov recover and get married fulfills 3 fundamental mitzvahs: providing for the Kallah & Bikur Holim (both of which Chazel says brings reward in this world and next) and Pikuach Nefesh, which takes precedence over almost every mitzvah. Says Rav Grossman, shlita “In this merit, that you will help, Hashem should bless you to marry off your children with only happiness and health, measure for measure. In the merit of this mitzvah Hashem should bless you with all the brachos he promised in our holy Torah.” To learn more, click here.

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