Inspiring! There’s Magic Happening in Bensalem: Hear Their Story

In Bucks County Pa., home to apx. 50,000 Jews, a revolution is taking place.
In this midbar, a shul with a daily minyan, a mikvah, an eruv, a preschool, a Kollel, a Hebrew school, and an active Outreach Program have all been built from scratch.
The backbone of all of this is the amazing Kollel families who have settled in Bensalem to bring Torah to this area. While they are willing to forgo the conveniences found in big communities of having multiple choices of minyanim, restaurants, groceries, and schools, they do need adequate housing to be able to raise their growing families while they continue to impact Jews all around them.
Please help us provide them the housing they need to be able to stay in this community and do the amazing job that they do so well. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO DONATE

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