Kinyan HaMesechta: Cross the Threshold of a Torah-Learning Revolution ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם

For one day only, every dollar you donate to Kinyan HaMesechta will be doubled. That means you can have TWICE the impact in giving another ben Torah a gift that will change his life forever.

You see, baalei batim all over the world are thirsty for meaningful learning experiences.

They want to feel mastery over their learning. They want to feel confident when opening a Gemara.

They want to do more than be kovayah itim… They want their schedules to revolve around their learning, not the other way around.


That’s why your gift to Kinyan HaMesechta is so important.

You see, now amid a global pandemic, it is more important than ever to invest in Torah learning. Your gift is your demonstration that you believe in turning Torah-learners into talmidei chachamim… no matter the obstacle.

When you donate, you empower busy professionals to make a true kinyan on the sugyas they learn.

Throughout the US, Canada, Germany, UK, Panama, Mexico, Switzerland, and Israel, chaburas are forming around the Kinyan HaMesechta curriculum. This program is changing lives.

But there is so much more work to be done. So many more communities to penetrate. So many more chaburas to enhance. So much more Torah to proliferate.

Your donation will go directly to expanding and enhancing this life-transforming program.

Your gift will provide the resources to train more roshei chabura in more communities. With your gift, the baalei batim will have even more (and ever-improving!) learning guides so they can take ownership over the material.


Think about it. Because of you, another father will gain the confidence he needs to open a sefer and learn with his son.

Because of you, another wife will feel immense pride as she watches her husband make a siyum.

Because of you, another yid will sing and dance with his chaburah, celebrating a love of Torah that is pure and true.

Make no mistake about it: Kinyan HaMesechta will enter more shuls, inspire more people, and be marbitz more Torah…. all thanks to your generosity.

But, of course, none of this can happen without YOU. Your generosity directly translates into more people learning Torah and owning the Torah they learn. It’s just that simple.

This cause is so important that a group of generous donors has challenged us to raise a million dollars in just one day. To help with that goal, they have agreed to DOUBLE every dollar donated by September 14th.

Please open your heart and donate today. You are the engine that powers limmud haTorah.


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