How Covid-19 Sparked An Extraordinary Siyum

For Jimmy, it all started with a simple post from Rabbi Lewis of Mesorah NJ:

“Quarantine is a perfect time for you Jewish guys to start (or restart) the beautiful ancient mitzvah of tefillin.”

It was May 5th, the day of Jimmy’s father’s second yahrzeit. Jimmy realized it was no coincidence when the post showed in his feed,  and reached out to Rabbi Lewis who not only encouraged him to start wearing tefillin, but sent Jimmy the tefillin that had belonged to his own father, Mr. Fred Lewis. This was especially meaningful, as Rabbi Lewis’ father had also passed away within the year, and with Covid19 making it impossible to say Kaddish, he now could honor him in this special way. Jimmy continued wearing the tefilin daily and is now learning Brachos daf 32 as part of the Mesorah MySiyum 2020.

Now we turn to you to make his and hundreds of others’ first siyum happen!

                                     Jimmy Proudly Displaying His Tfillin 

When Covid19 hit, Mesorah NJ’s class attendance ballooned to 100+ participants weekly, and Mesorah’s newest and most ambitious project was born: MySiyum 2020. Over 100 of Mesorah NJ’s young professionals and chavrusas join in making a siyum on Mesechtos Brachos, Shabbos, and Avos. For most of these millennials, it is the first Siyum they’ve ever done, and this siyum is a reflection of Mesorah NJ’s mission to bring people back through learning and Torah. Watch their live siyum HERE.

Mesorah NJ, an OLAMI member, connects hundreds of young Jewish professionals in NJ with each other and to Judaism through classes, trips, and Shabbos events that are trendy, fun, and uplifting. Support Mesorah NJ in their campaign today!

Rabbi Lewis with Mesorah NJ Groups at Sinai Retreats


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