We’ve been waiting long enough. We’ve finally achieved! Klal yisroel’s dwelling is bound to be complete!

‘Bais Viznitz’ which has been established in recent years in the center of Kiryat Viznitz in Bnei Brak, is already standing proudly, blossoming in all its glory. These days, the final work is in progress. Klal Yisroel is called upon to come forth and help add the finishing touches to the nearly-completed structure in order to sanctify the name of Hashem and spread His greatness. 


 The Viznitzer Rebbe shlita, the beating heart of klal yisroel, he is the ‘Rebbe’ of everyone, sector and affiliation notwithstanding. Klal yisroel acts on the Rebbe’s words and reverently accepts everything he says. The Rebbe is a pillar of fire, leading the nation, carrying the entire generation on his heart, and bearing the burdens and responsibilities on his lone shoulders. 

 And now is the time for Klal Yisroel to pay back for the endless devotion, to repay him for all he does, to express a drop of appreciation, of admiration, and basic gratitude inherent in the blood of every Yid. 


 It is specifically in these days before the Yom Hadin, precisely after a year in which countless batei midrashim and shuls were forced closed, that Hashem should see our longing for Him, our longing to return to our shuls, our desire and yearning to sanctify and exalt His name.

 May we merit the fulfillment of what the Rebbe wrote from the bottom of his heart: 


“From this holy place, the beis medrash, I will acknowledge your good heartedness and intercede on your behalf in the days of mercy and forgiveness for a ksiva vchasima tova, nachas, a bountiful parnassa and a good year without any distress at all, physically and spiritually.” 



You. I. All of us.

Here, in this great and holy beis medrash in which Klal Yisrael partnered to complete, יתגדל ויתקדש שמיה רבא!

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