A Unique and Heartwarming style of Chazanus

Elozar Dorfman is a “rising star,” an exceptional chazzan. He is admired by his unique way of singing, emotion, fervor, and great passion in the tefilla. As a young child, his parents realized his inborn abilities and sent him for voice lessons with Chazzan Ahron Weingarten. Later, in his adult life, he went to study by the famed vocal expert, Shlomo Holtzberg, to further improve his cantorial abilities. Elozar developed a strong relationship with him and became one of his close students.

He acquired his nusach, while blending his slightly creative melodious nuances, from the well-respected Schustel-family from the Stamford Yeshiva, in Connecticut. It once happened that young Elozar was appointed as the baal tefillah for maariv on Shabbos at the Yeshiva. After maariv, the gabbai mentioned that Rav Simcha Schustel Z’l displayed a face of amazement at his tefilla and said he hadn’t heard such a davening in a long time!
The Young Israel of Spring Valley had the opportunity of having Elozar as the baal tefillah on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for 4 years. His beautiful voice and style coupled with his humility and charm greatly enhances the tefillah. As attested by one of the congregants, “the atmosphere of the shul is radiating with feeling when Elozar is davening!” Chazzan Elozar is looking to grow and expand on his passion in life.  He can be reached at 732-539-4830 to have him lead the tefilla for the high holidays. Some samples could be heard by clicking on one of the links below.

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