The Agudah is Vital – Avi Goldstein’s Commute

The Agudah is Vital to You…You are Vital to the Agudah

Agudath Israel of America has meant so much to so many people, on a klal level and to the yochid as well.

Today’s case in point:

Is there anything a parent wouldn’t do for a child?

The answer is probably not, which explains why Debbie and Eli Goldstein spent thousands of dollars and drove hundreds of miles to get their special needs son, Avi, back and forth to school every day. Most mornings, it was Debbie who made the 80-mile round trip at 6:15 in the morning to get Avi to a wonderful school that was well-suited to his needs before heading off to work. In the afternoons, the Goldsteins paid someone to bring Avi back home.

Ironically, Avi had been approved by the New York City Board of Education for services, but since his IEP did not include specialized transportation, it was up to the Goldsteins to get their son to school.

While Avi was thriving in class, the commute was just too much for his parents. Despite numerous requests by the Goldsteins and their lawyer, the Board of Ed refused to reverse its decision.

It was a phone call to Mrs. Leah Steinberg, director of Agudah’s Project LEARN, that forever altered the course of the Goldsteins’ lives. She explained to Debbie and Eli that there were other agencies that might be able to help them and found a law proving that Avi was entitled to bus service through the city’s Office of Pupil Transportation.

Mrs. Steinberg called the agency directly and got transportation approved for Avi and two other children who were in the same predicament.

Is there anything a parent wouldn’t do for a child?

Absolutely not.

But for Debbie and Eli, not having to worry about Avi’s transportation has saved them endless hours and thousands of dollars, giving them the ability to be better parents,  not just to Avi, but to all of their children…

…Thanks to the intervention of Agudath Israel.

The Agudah is vital.

And we are vital to the Agudah.

We enable the Agudah to do what it does.


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