The Agudah Vital Partner Free $5000 Giveaway

Throughout the year, our efforts are quiet, effective measures to keep your priorities alive. 

For 36 hours, we ask you to do the same for us, to keep our efforts going.

We need ten thousand people to give $36 dollars in 36 hours! 

As a thank you, for every 10 friends you share this message, your name is entered in a raffle to win a $5000 VISA gift card. 

Here is how you can enter!

Step 1: When you click HERE an email draft will pull up that already has a subject line and text. 

Step 2: Put in 10 of your friend’s email addresses.

Step 3: Don’t remove the “[email protected]” email address that’ll automatically be in the “to” field. By also sending US your email, we’ll be able to see and enter you in the giveaway!


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