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Get on the Inside – Inside Chassidus

Tuesday, September 7th/ 18th of Elul, Inside Chassidus and Rabbi Yossi Paltiel will launch a 36 hour campaign to further disseminate chassidus and celebrate the memory of the Baal Shem Tov and the living Jewish People

“I asked the Moshiach, “When will you come?” and he said to me: “When your wellsprings shall spread to the outside.”- Baal Shem Tov

Access to information is a basic right. That doesn’t mean the information should be basic. For 15 years, Inside Chassidus, spearheaded by Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, has helped millions of people answer the little and big questions. About themselves, about the world, and how we all fit together.

 Inside Chassidus has strived to incorporate the highest level of intellect with a thoroughly personal understanding of Judaism. Classes weave together classic commentaries, Jewish Law, history and philosophy, personal stories, and a deep knowledge of Chassidus and Kabbala. The result is a learning experience that greets each individual listener with a sense of wonder and leaves them a takeaway entirely their own. Something both intellectually challenging and heartwarming.

On Sep. 7th/ 18 of Elul, Inside Chassidus is partnering with their 6-continent-spanning community in a 36 hour  campaign to raise $70,000. Starting at 10am, supporters from around the world are invited to come together in our disparate times and ensure the light of Chassidus illuminates all the more strongly.

To join with the Inside Chassidus community and Get on the Inside, please visit

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