Urgent: Family of 9 at risk of losing their home due to foreclosure

A foreclosed house with a red foreclosure stamp running along the top of the picture.

Dear Friends,

I’m writing this letter to you with much pain and embarrassment. My name is Moshe B., a long time Brooklyn, NY resident.

I’ve B”H been blessed with a beautiful large family, and for many years I’ve worked very hard to support my family through a business that I worked tiredly to build up from scratch, but in the past 2 years my business has suffered many losses until it got to a point where I could no longer make a living out of it, which caused me to be unable to make my monthly mortgage payments.

I have two loans tied to my primary residence, a Mortgage and a Home Equity Line of Credit, both are currently seriously delinquent and I’ve been served Foreclosure documents for both loans and I’m seriously at risk of losing my home if I don’t come up with the needed funds very soon. The amount I need to raise immediately is approximately $75,000 to reinstate the loans against my home.

I have nowhere to turn to, I’m lost, therefore I’m asking you to please help me and to donate generously.

I’m assuming that very few of you, if any at all, understand in depth, or can relate to the emotional stress this is causing me. Words cannot describe the fear and pain I’m going through at this time. All I can say is, please…please help me. Period.

In the tremendous Zechus of this Tzedakah of helping someone truly in need, may Hashem bless you and your family with Health, Parnosoh, Bracha VeHatzlacha, Nachas, Shiduchim and anything you may need, and may always be on the giving end and never on the receiving end.

Thank you so much and Tizku L’Mitzvot.

From my heart to (hopefully) yours.

Moshe B.

Brooklyn, NY



***If you donated $180 or more and are in need of a Yeshua, please email your full Hebrew name Ben/Bat your mothers full Hebrew name, and your request, to: [email protected] and a Choshuva Yungerman will say Perek Reviyi of Tehillim on your behalf and pray for you. (Or Leyilui Nishmas)***


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