Which word in Maariv, Shacharis, and Mincha of Shabbos hints to the marriage between Hashem and Klal Yisroel?

The table is set, we’re all dressed for the occasion, but which song do we sing for our wedding with Hashem? Join Rabbi Eli Mansour as he shares the secret meaning behind the sacred Shir Hashirim and it’s place at the opening of Shabbos. Find out why we say Shir Hashirim, what it really means, and how we build true love for Hashem. 

Discover which word in Maariv, Shacharis, and Mincha hints to the marriage between Hashem and Klal Yisroel and so much more… 

Ever wondered -Why do we say Shir Hashirim at the onset of Shabbos?How do we build real love for Hashem? Which word in Maariv, Shacharis, and Mincha hints to the marriage union between Hashem and Klal Yisroel?

Join Rabbi Eli Mansour as he gives new meaning to the Shabbos davening and Shir Hashirim.

Watch this video and discover:How to celebrate Shabbos as our wedding ceremony with Hashem? Bah, Bo, Bam – The difference between the three Shemonah Esreis of Shabbos. When is a very special time to daven for the Geulah on Shabbos? 

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