Dear Merciful Nation!

My name is Avraham Finkel. Up until this year, I was able to support myself with a business that was doing very well. Also, I was able to fund a Tomchei Shabbos  for needy families, as my life’s passion is to help people in need, and assisting others in lifting heavy financial burdens. I will confess: My success in business was only from Hashem. 

Hashem also blessed my wife and I with a beautiful set of twins. But with these blessings came a challenge that was going to test me from the core of my heart. My children were born with tremendous complications that required extensive and expensive medical treatment to save my twins from dying! I turned to Hashem with tears and a broken heart for assistance. I screamed and yelled that I should have a quick yeshua! I could not bear to see my wife constantly crying with bitter tears and witnessing our life crumble before our eyes!

My friends showed extreme loyalty and even maxed their credit cards to save my twins. On top of that, I had no choice but to use capital from my business to pay for the medical care. Still, it was not enough to cover the heavy and burdensome financial loads.

As noted earlier, Hashem blessed me with a compassionate heart and a willingness to help others; my business was a tool to help families that were impoverished and save them humiliation and indignity. I would request a list of everything they needed, and I was able to support them with the profits of my business. It would pain me with pain that I could not describe in writing to witness Jewish families suffer financial trouble.


It is with great embarrassment that I ask others for money but my supplier refuses to sell me even if I paid upfront because my business went bankrupt. Consequently, I cannot continue to do business and support my family until the debt is paid in full.

My friends are urging me to pay back the money I owe them, but I  have no financial means to pay my debts. I have nowhere to turn except for you, my beloved brothers and sisters whose compassion and mercy knows no bounds! Please do not ignore my plea and open your heart to this opportunity of helping your fellow jew suffering from a major crisis that is too heavy to bear.

In the Zchus of your donation, Hashem should bestow upon you  great happiness, prosperity, good health and nachas from all your children.

With great sincerity,

Avrohom Finkel

Tizke L’Mitvos


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