“Now is the time to give BINA the power to empower with your support” Watch more here.


The name itself brings feelings of comfort and relief to so many.  

BINA has been there for families dealing with brain injury through thick and thin, providing guidance and support every step of the way.

When there is a stroke, fall, car accident, aneurysm, brain tumor, or other neurological condition, BINA Stroke and Brain Injury Assistance is the address people turn to.

BINA’s role has only been magnified since the onset of the pandemic. While for some, Covid-19 is receding into the recesses of their minds and is a time they would rather forget, BINA continues to stand at the frontlines of the crisis.

The coronavirus caused a troubling percentage of patients who suffered neurological damage including strokes in young patients and vented patients who were slow to wake up from sedation, and many of them are still facing a difficult road to recovery. 

BINA has been inundated with calls for assistance from families desperately seeking admission to top vent weaning and rehab facilities, on top of their already heavy caseload of stroke and brain injury survivors. 

BINA must have the ability to continue empowering these families in their time of need.

BINA cannot slow down. “No” must never be an answer. 

But we need your help. 

Give BINA the power to empower brain injury survivors and the Covid-19 patients who still urgently need our help.

We’re counting on you.

TODAY go to rayze.it/BINA or call 848-280-7500.

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