Worldwide Hataras Klalos Event

Historic event takes place in ancient Jewish cemetery in Casablanca * Jews across the globe participate in live broadcast of Hataras Klalos * Chief Rabbi of Morocco Hagaon Harav Yoshiyahu Pinto shlit”a performs tikkun at the burial site of his venerable grandfather, the legendary kabbalist Harav Chaim Pinto zy”a * At the gathering, Harav Pinto speaks of the challenges of the times as well as the astounding growth of the Moroccan Jewish community and delivers a calls to his chassidim and followers around the world to invest in businesses in Morocco and promote the burgeoning kehillah

Casablanca, Sunday, 5 Av: In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Jews around the world unite for Hataras Klalos * Hamekubal Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto shlit”a, Chief Rabbi of Morocco and founder of Shuva Yisrael Institutions, performs Tikkun Hanefesh at the burial site of his illustrious grandfather, the legendary kabbalist Harav Chaim Pinto * A call to Jewish entrepreneurs to promote growth of Moroccan Jewish community by investing in local businesses.

 On Sunday, 5 Av, the yahrtzeit of the Arizal, a moving Hataras Klalos event took place in the ancient Jewish cemetery of Casablanca, Morocco.  During these days when the world still grapples with chaos and economic devastation, when millions are ill, hundreds of thousands hospitalized, and billions endure the constant threat and fear of infection, Hagaon Harav Yoshiyahu Pinto shlit”a announced a massive Hataras Klalos event and invited followers and chassidim to join him from afar.  In the course of the event, he performed a special tikkun to remove calamity, danger and curses from upon the Jewish nation. The event took place in the ancient Jewish cemetery in Casablanca with the talmidim of Yeshivas Shuva Yisrael in Casablanca in attendance, while the special tefillah and text of Hataras Klalos was disseminated worldwide to hundreds of thousands of viewers who participated virtually on dozens of media channels, websites and social media networks.

Stepping foot into the age-old Jewish cemetery in Casablanca, a site permeated with holiness and grandeur, Rabbi Pinto immediately burst into tears, grieving the worldwide pandemic that has felled thousands of our loved ones. “I see all these [tragedies], hear the heartrending stories of my chassidim, and shed tears every morning to Hakadosh Baruch Hu before dawn. I was raised on the knees of the spiritual giants who were laid to rest here, men who were comparable to heavenly angels; and today, my entire body is wracked with affliction and physical agony. Yet the anguish of the past months is still something that I’ve never known before. Hakadosh Baruch Hu, sweeten Your judgment upon Your Jewish nation! Stop the lashon hara! Enough…!” Then, in a voice trembling in awe and fear, he expressed, “I am willing to serve as Klal Yisrael’s atonement and sacrifice, to spare the nation this dreadful plague and restore people’s health and livelihood.”

.“Every day, we hear of dozens more who have fallen ill. How many have died, due to our many sins! How many widows?! How many orphans?! We have seen the affluent plummet from the heights of wealth to the abyss of poverty in a single day; there is no Jew who remains sure of his status or livelihood; and we can rely on no one but our Father in Heaven and our holy Torah.”

Preparing for the awesome moment of Hataras Klalos, Harav Pinto shared, “In the Heavens, there is a chamber called Chovah that is filled with dark angels of destruction who eagerly anticipate the moment when a person curses himself or others. As soon as an evil word is uttered, they rush to grab the curse, and then tragedy occurs after a day, year or even ten years. This place is called Chovah, and the angels are there, waiting to pounce on the curses. It is a perilous place… Yet Hataras Klalos lowers this place, smashes through its barriers, so if there is a curse, Hataras Kalalos can remove all the curses from the Jewish nation.”

Following this chilling message, the Rav began carefully reciting the text of Hataras Klalos as tears streamed copiously from his eyes. Pausing for a moment, he expressed that he is including in both his tefillah and tikkun the many hundreds of thousands of Jews around the world joining the event from afar. “They hear our voices from afar, yet their hearts are here with us,” he poignantly expressed and then commenced the special passage that was written centuries ago by great kabbalists to ward off evil decrees and curses.

After reciting Hataras Klalos, he continued with Tikkun Hanefesh, a special order of pirkei Tehillim that Rav Pinto himself developed many years ago as a segulah for salvation and acceptance of tefillos.  The tikkun was first recited at an awe-inspiring event that awakened many shuttered hearts to the beauty of Torah and tefillah.

Upon concluding the order of prayers, Rav Pinto turned to the beloved talmidim in his yeshivah, as well as his brother Harav Menachem Pinto shlit”a, director of both the Shuva Yisrael Yeshivah and Jewish community in Morocco who has undertaken the heavy burden of supporting them.

“You demonstrated mesirus nefesh for kosher food, unparalleled mesirus nefesh. People around the world are locked up in their homes; people around the world have perished in the slaughterhouses; and yet you risk your lives, week after week, to slaughter meat in order to distribute it to the local Jewish community. I see your self-sacrifice; I see you coming time and again fearlessly, slaughtering the meat, and conducting yourself with holiness and piety to provide kosher food and kosher meat to the local residents, and this great merit shall safeguard you. You, Rabbi Menachem, the Rabbanim of the Yeshivah and talmidim, you did not hesitate, doing your utmost during perilous times in order to carry out the mission that we accepted upon ourselves—to supply kosher mehadrin food to the community.”

The Rav added, “We have never engaged in politics; we are not involved in it. Out singular objective is to reinforce and perpetuate the golden chain of our Jewish heritage, and for this, we and our students shall devote our hearts, souls and all our might.”

He then delivered the following message to the public:  “We are standing right now in an awesome site, a site that is permeated with holiness for over two thousand years! That holiness is crying, shouting, ‘Lift me up! Elevate me! Raise me from the dust!’”  Continuing with a heartfelt blessing to the monarch King Muhammed VI and the kingdom of Morocco, Rav Pinto appealed to his chassidim and followers around the world, businessmen, entrepreneurs and company owners, to make the effort to invest and build branches in Morocco. “This is a country that boasts a kingdom of kindness, where heavenly blessing prevails. Here in Morocco, there is vast potential to grow and achieve incredible results.” He added that among his fifty batei medrash around the world, he has many wealthy Jewish supporters and activists who can collectively bring great financial boon to Morocco.


Rabbi Pinto extends his appeal to businessmen, entrepreneurs and company owners to invest in a country that is blessed with special success: “Here in Morocco, there is vast potential to grow and achieve incredible results.”

“While citizens around the world remained behind locked doors, Rabbi Menachem Pinto and the talmidim of the Yeshivah demonstrated awesome mesirus nefesh to provide kosher food and kosher meat to the Jews of Morocco.

 “I am willing to serve as Klal Yisrael’s atonement and sacrifice, to spare the nation this dreadful plague and restore people’s health and livelihood,” he said through his tears.

“We have never engaged in politics. Out singular objective is to reinforce and perpetuate the golden chain of our Jewish heritage, and for this, we and our students shall devote our hearts, souls and all our might.”

The special Hataras Klalos event in Morocco takes place parallel to a worldwide initiative of limud Torah developed by Harav Yoshiyahu Pinto shlit”a.

By now, few haven’t heard of the international Charidy platform that has successfully campaigned and raised hundreds of millions of dollars for Torah institutions, tzedakah associations and private funds worldwide. Yet this is, perhaps, the first time that a large-scale campaign is being launched without a request for a single donation, but only that the participant undertakes a spiritual kabbalah. This global initiative is set to unite Jews around the world, strengthen them spiritually, and rend the heavens so that we all may be blessed with salvation.

The campaign first took form following the heartfelt appeal of Hagaon Harav Yoshiyahu Pinto shlit”a who has endeavored tirelessly throughout these past months of pandemic, devastation and tragedy to strengthen and encourage Jews worldwide to take action against coronavirus not only through health precautions, maintaining hygiene, and observing social distancing regulations, but also by striving in the spiritual realm to increase mitzvos, good deeds and Torah study.

Harav Pinto who founded the Shuva Yisrael Torah empire a quarter of a century ago currently has over fifty branches worldwide. Despite his failing health, he engages in intensive effortS to support and bolster Jews around the world who are suffering and floundering physically, emotionally and financially during these trying times. His pearls of wisdom, sincere encouragement and boundless love of his fellow man have infused hope, vitality and yearning for spiritual growth in hundreds of thousands of his chassidim and followers. The spiritual reawakening that he spawned was further enhanced when he publicized the age-old segulah of learning Sefer Devarim every Shabbos, a ritual that has since been adopted by tens of thousands of Jews around the world and has engendered awesome miracles and salvations.

The inimitable force of this segulah has inspired many Jews who were astounded by the results to return to their Source and draw closer to limud Torah. To date, Shuva Yisrael Institutions has printed over 400,000 special copies of Sefer Devarim featuring a beautiful introduction and brief summary of Rabbi Pinto’s compelling shiurim, along with an outline of the main sources that cite the significance of reciting Sefer Devarim.

Since the start of his efforts to ingrain awareness of this segulah, there have been numerous accounts by men and women regarding personal salvations and miracles that they experienced in their own lives or witnessed in other people’s lives after undertaking to learn Sefer Devarim on Shabbos.

One of the unique aspects of this auspicious segulah and its promise of great yeshuos is that it is free and does not compel any unusual action or activity other than the pure study of Torah. This has caused the segulah, which is sourced in ancient sefarim, to acquire immense popularity, with many discovering their inner spiritual connection to Torah Judaism and the bounty of Hashem’s salvation through the words of Toras Moshe.

In the newly-announced global Project Devarim initiative, appeals are being extended in a variety of languages to Jews in countries around the world to unite and take part in this sacred project. Based on the concept of Charidy crowdfunding campaigns, the Project operates with groups and sponsors—albeit this time, the goal is not a sum of money, but a commitment to learn Sefer Devarim.

The objective of this project is to engage as many learners in the program as possible and to enable them to experience a personal connection to Torah, reap the spiritual benefits and Hashem’s salvation. Specifically during these trying times, when panic and pandemic rage across the world, tens of thousands of Jews in countries around the world draw comfort and strength from learning Sefer Devarim as a segulah to spare themselves from illness and harm.

The segulah of learning Sefer Devarim, which was first publicized in Harav Pinto’s shiurim, is based on the awesome spiritual force of the 955 verses found in Sefer Devarim. In his lectures, Rabbi Pinto has emphasized the great benefits of learning them every week, reviving an age-old segulah that was nearly forgotten throughout the generations. His campaign to promote this initiative of limud Torah is enthusiastically endorsed by Gedolei Yisrael shlita”a who unanimously praise the segulah and Rabbi Pinto’s endeavors.


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