Healing our Broken Hearts.

Tisha B’Av 5780 / Tisha B’Av 2020 

With Rav Moshe Weinberger 

Our hearts are broken. Yet our souls are still yearning. The time is ripe for the final Geula! We must overcome the feelings of hopelessness and apathy. We must feel our own pain, the pain of our nation, and the pain of the Shechina. The time has come to cry out! With a world descending deeper into chaos, we find ourselves living in the most uncertain of times. From where can we draw the strength to heal our broken hearts and find the power to love one another and trust in HaShem? Aish Kodesh invites you to join the thousands of men and women around the world who will gather virtually for a truly unprecedented event, this Tisha B’Av, 5780, led by Rav Moshe Weinberger. This uplifting and powerful program will be live-streamed beginning Wednesday night at 8:20PM with Maariv, followed by words of inspiration and insight from Rav Weinberger prior to the reading of Eicha at 9:30PM. The program will continue Thursday morning with Shacharis at 8:00AM, followed by Kinos with commentary and Divrei Torah from Rav Weinberger through mid-day. The program will conclude with Rav Weinberger’s final address at 6:40PM on Thursday afternoon.


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