When She Would Have An Episode, He Was The Best At Calming Her Down

Though the world and its news sources seem to be teeming with tragedy after tragedy, human nature is such that we scroll past the horrors, detach ourselves, and assume we will never become their subject. Some families, however, are not so fortunate. 

For the Bracha family, tragedy played the slow game. When Rabbi Yitzchok Bracha was first diagnosed with cancer, it was in his stomach. From there, the disease dodged treatment, skipping from location to location. It resided in the Rabbi’s shoulder, his legs, and ultimately – his brain.

Rav Yitzhok Bracha just passed away at a tragic 55 years old, leaving behind a widow and 11 children. He was an avreich and a family man, who left this world on Shabbat. What is perhaps most moving about the Bracha family’s story is the pictures.

Rabbi Bracha had an infectious smile, and is pictured hugging his children and attending simchas, all while emoting with a gentle look of pure happiness.

Also evocative are the photos of his daughter Tsofia, a special needs young girl who cannot be left with a babysitter for even a moment. During her episodes, her father, with his gentle smile, was the best at calming her down. It is a devastating loss.

Funds are being collected to help Mrs. Gila Bracha support her large family, including Tsofia, as well as make a chasuna for their engaged son, after this inconceivable blow. It is an impossible task for a single grieving woman – but with the help of Klal Yisroel, they just may be spared any more unnecessary pain. 



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