Live Show This Sunday! Meet Frum Ventriloquist Chuck Field and His Puppets

You may have seen a puppet show, but have you ever seen a frum puppet that can talk on his own? Chuck Field and his puppets Ziggy and Dr Sol are huge hits every year at camps around the country – and this year they’re coming to your living room!

Prepare to be astounded as Chuck speaks through his puppets WITHOUT MOVING HIS MOUTH, putting on a hilarious show that children – and adults – will love. 

Tune in this Sunday, July 26th, at 5pm EST. Access to the show is just $10 for the whole family.

 Tickets are just $10 for your entire family, and a portion of the proceeds will go to tzedakah!

The show will be recorded so you can rewatch anything you may have missed!

Don’t wait! Get your tickets now!


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