What are you doing about your annoying neighbor?

Tisha B’av’s come and go – but Hashem gave us Tisha B’av for a reason: So that we change.

So that we grow – especially in mitzvohs of bein odom lechaveiro.  And none is greater – or more badly needed – than shalom.

Cha”zal couldn’t be clearer: Beis Hamikdash was destroyed due to the lack of shalom – and restoring shalom will get it built again.  We live shalom, we live Geula.

But few words are easier said than done, aren’t they? Some people are virtually impossible to live with… some injuries seem impossible to forgive, let alone overcome and forget… family feuds can last decades (with hardly anyone even remembering what they were all about…)So, no.

Shalom is not easy.  But this Tisha B’av you have a real chance to make great strides toward changing your life in a way you may not think possible.

This is because while shalom may not come easy – it’s actually quite simple!

In fact, it takes just 3 things:

A clear-as-day understanding and conviction – etched deeply into your heart – that if you have shalom, you have everything – If don’t have shalom, you have nothing!

You need to be aware of the simple few “rules” of what makes or breaks sholom – and how to apply them in every area of your life. (See more on that later) ·        And you need a decision.  A single-minded resolute determination to go after it, no matter what.

And you’ll get them all, iy”H, in this year’s Chofetz Chaim Tisha B’av Worldwide Event held online this year due to the Corona situation. Some of the Jewish world’s most moving and inspiring speakers will spend Tish B’av with you.

Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rabbi Yosef Elefant and Rabbi Paysach Krohn will move us, inspire us and open our hearts to let sholom in.

Next, we’ll have Charlie Harary reveal amazing and practical viewpoints in Shalom we’ve never thought of. After him, world-renowned speaker Dr. David Lieberman will share with us step by step practical advice on how to get out of any machlokes- how to understand what the other person is thinking, how to deal with them and more importantly not deal with them- even ones that have existed for decades.

It will all happen iy”h at the Chofetz Chaim Tisha B’Av Worldwide event – the experience that has been the source of inspiration, change, and personal growth for tens of thousands of Jews from every walk of life the world over for the last 27 years. Due to the COVID-19 situation, this year’s event will be held, iy”H online.

It will put 13 hours(!) of rich, inspiring, and informative programming at your fingertips. And BECAUSE of the special circumstances, it promises to be the best one yet.

The choice is yours. What will it be?

You can choose to spend Tisha B’Av, basically just wishing it were over already…….or you can turn Tisha B’Av into what Hashem meant it to be:

A day of embracing sholom, the most important and powerful mitzvah bein odom lechaveiro of them all. …

A day to start a change in your life that will enable the blessings Hashem bestows on you to stay with you.

A change that will forever enrich your life and of those of everyone around you.

A change that will FINALLY grant you the menuchas hanefesh and content you so richly deserve as a Torah-observant Jew.

Don’t miss this opportunity. Click this link to see more. Visit this event at tishabav.live.

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