This Tisha B’av, learn from those who “Stopped At Nothing”

No matter the challenge, no matter the obstacles in their path, nothing could stop them from helping another Jew. Uplift your Tisha B’av this year with Project Inspire’s new feature film about the inspiring Ahavas Yisrael of Rabbi Shlomo Friefeld zt’l and Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald zt’l. 

Sometimes we want to reach out to others but it feels like there is so much in the way. This time of year when we focus on unity and rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash is an incredible opportunity to strengthen our commitment to Ahavas Yisrael. Find that spark of motivation by joining thousands of others around the world watching the annual Project Inspire Tisha B’av presentation. 

“Stop At Nothing” pays tribute to these two outstanding leaders who made a huge impact on the lives of countless Jewish individuals from all walks of life. 

Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld, Zt’l, was a tremendous Torah scholar who taught thousands of talmidim how to live a life of joy and fulfillment. Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv, his greatest legacy which thrives until today, is unique in the Torah world for its student body that combined accomplished yeshiva bochurim with newcomers to Judaism who were searching for truth. “He was a builder of people,” said one former talmid, “A doctor of the soul.”  

Similarly, Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald’s heart was boundless, as was his energy and enthusiasm.  Community activist, mentor to troubled teens, beloved camp director, and fearless leader, he opened his doors to thousands of youngsters, and treated them as if they were his own children. “His only goal,” said one admirer, “was to do Hashem’s rotzon, to love Hashem’s kids.”  

The stories of these two extraordinary role models could fill volumes, yet Project Inspire captures their very essence in this intriguing film presentation.  Join the thousands worldwide who will be inspired to greatness when they learn about the lives of those who would stop at nothing to help a fellow Jew.  According to Rabbi Yossie Friedman, Executive Director of Project Inspire, “The stories of Rav Freifeld and Rabbi Greenwald are deeply moving and should awaken us all to recognize opportunities for growth in our ahavas yisroel. Each of us has the ability to make that huge difference if we only cared enough to love every Jew.”

Project Inspire is a movement dedicated to awakening and empowering the Torah community to reach out to their fellow Jews. For more information about the Tisha B’av film visit or contact [email protected].

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