9 Orphans Left Without a Father, the Youngest Is Only 2 Years Old

The Beit Shemesh community was shocked by the sad news of the sudden passing of Mordechi Heineman z”l, beloved husband and father of 9. R’ Mordechai was only 46 years old when he suddenly collapsed from a stroke. He lay unconscious for two harrowing weeks, until he returned his Neshama to its Creator on Erev Shabbos. He leaves behind a wife and 8 unmarried children, the youngest just two years old, who are left with no means of support.


R’ Mordechai loved Torah and those who toil in it, and every day he returned home from a long day of work and sat down to learn with the little energy he had left. He was an incredible ba’al chesed, always giving to others from the meager earnings he had. He raised a proud and beautiful Torah family who are committed to continuing the ways that he taught them.

An emergency campaign has been set up on the family’s behalf to raise the funds they need to help them get through this incredibly challenging and painful time.

Your caring and support for a widow and her orphans will be a special zechus that will certainly bring great light to Am Yisroel during these dark times.


Tax deductible donations provided c/o Yeshivas Ohr Hatorah 501(c)3

For more information please contact

Mordechai Stenge

email – [email protected]

WhatsApp – +972506717348

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