Partner with the Jerusalem Kollel in Building Leaders Who Care

In the center of the world sits one city, the foundation of the earth. In the center of that city sits one institution, developing, educating, training, and BUILDING LEADERS WHO CARE.

Eighteen years ago, the Rosh HaKollel, Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovitz שליט”א
recognized that the Yeshiva world is an army filled with talent. His vision was clear. Tap into this potential, provide real bnei Torah with the tools to become leaders, and you can change the world. The Jerusalem Kollel was born.

To this day, The Jerusalem Kollel has been building leaders of the highest caliber, dedicated to leading, teaching and strengthening Klal Yisrael. The Kollel offers its talmidim an intensive three-year s’micha program, with relevant training in many years of communal leadership. Together with their wives, these young men are then encouraged to take up positions in kiruv, chinuch, and rabbonus to share their love for Hashem and His Torah.

However, the demand for quality leaders simply outweighs the supply. The sheer number of unaffiliated Jews, and the increasing rate of intermarriage has been the impetus for The Jerusalem Kollel to continue its holy work. If we could only expose our brethren to true Yiddishkeit by producing leaders filled with Torah and yiras shamayim, Klal Yisrael would be in a better place.

Our graduating couples leave as well-rounded people with a passion and sense of responsibility to positively affect the Jews around them. It is no wonder why we have been staffing most major kiruv organizations for the past 18 years, and we are the first place they turn to when they need rabbis and leaders.

The figures speak for themselves. Our alumni have been placed in no less than 230 organisations, across 67 communities over 12 countries. More than 1 million Jewish men, women, children, and families have been directly impacted by The Jerusalem Kollel and its alumni.

The Rosh Hakollel Rabbi Berkovits שליט”א is recognized world-wide as a prominent posek and ba’al eitzah. Through his varied roles in the kiruv world, he has become a highly sought-after speaker and his advice on complex community matters is valued by rabbonim across the globe.

To produce leaders however, we need partners. Like minded people who share our passion. Generous people like you to support our avodas Hashem.  

Right NOW we need you to build. Right NOW we need you to lead. Right NOW we need you to care. Right NOW we need you to partner in BUILDING LEADERS WHO CARE.

On Monday 20th July and Tuesday 21st July, please join us in BUILDING LEADERS WHO CARE by going to and helping us raise $500,000 in only 36 hours. Thanks to a group of caring benefactors, every dollar you give will be matched 2x, leveraging your gift to maximum impact.

Thank you for giving. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for BUILDING LEADERS WHO CARE.

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