When the World Locked Down They Stepped Up

As the entire world shut down, the Hanhala of Yeshiva Gedolah Be’er Hatorah increased their dedication to the spiritual and emotional needs of their talmidim and alumni. Whether it was for virtual sedarim/shiurim, extra hashkafa vaadim, tefillos for those in need, or any other need the Hanhala was the address. Because in Be’er Hatorah talmidim are always treated and cared for like children!

   From 12:00 on Sunday July 19 through midnight Tuesday July 21, Klal Yisroel will show their recognition of their sacrifice by participating in the Yeshiva Be’er Hatorah Hanhala Appreciation Campaign. This will serve as their annual drive in lieu of an in-person parlor meeting.  With the participation of every individual they will iy”H successfully reach their fundraising goal of $100,000.

When the world locked down they stepped up.

Will you unlock your heart and step in for them?


The Yeshiva:

Yeshiva Gedolah Be’er Hatorah was founded ten years ago by Harav Avrohom Grubner and has quickly earned a reputation as a premier makom Torah that produces refined and well-rounded bneitorah. The Yeshiva attracts bachurim from all across North America and abroad, who flock to Lakewood for the opportunity to grow and shteig in the unique environment that the yeshiva provides.

     The devoted hanhalah of Be’erHatorah is renowned for their ability to bring out the true potential of each bochur, by reaching him on his own level and by serving as sterling role models for their young students. The high expectations of excellence from the rebbeim, serve as a strong motivation for the talmidim to continue striving in their learning and avodas Hashem.

     With tremendous siyata dishmaya, the Yeshiva has seen many talmidim advance to levels that they would never have imagined. This is due to the constant encouragement of their rabbeim, the pilpul chaverim, and the achdus in achieving a united goal. In addition to their proficiency in learning, thebochurim are also distinguished for their outstanding middos, which is evident from their interaction with each other and with whoever they encounter.

     After several years of learning in the Yeshiva, a Be’er Hatorah bochur stands out for his devotion to learning, Torah aptitude, sense of achrayus, and exceptional character.


     As the Yeshiva continued growing and thriving in its rented quarters, the time had come to advance to the next level, establishing its own permanent Makom Torah. Four years ago, together with alumni and supporters, the yeshiva inaugurated their new state-of-the-art yeshiva campus. These grounds include a spacious dormitory facility, a dining hall, executive offices, a basketball court, and most importantly, a magnificent expansive bais medrash. These amenities help provide an excellent opportunity for the talmidim to focus on their studies with menuchas hanefesh, knowing that the yeshiva is providing them with all that is needed for them to flourish.

    Many wise investors have sought out this Yeshiva as their choice to maximize their tzedakah investment and to claim a share in its tremendous accomplishments. As we embark on our yearly drive during these challenging times, we invite you to partner with us in building the next generation of premier Bnei torah.


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