Do You Lack Enjoyment and Satisfaction From Your Learning?

Are you or your son having difficulties with your learning?

Are you not managing to get yourself to learn enough?

Having difficulty with your hebrew reading and feel that’s holding you back in your learning?

Feeling frustrated or guilty about your learning situation?


Thinking of giving up on learning?


Do you lack clarity and progress in your learning?


There’s no need to keep struggling!


Come and enjoy success in Learning!


Sign up here for a meeting with Rav Dovid Ehrman who for 20 years has been successfully coaching learners to improve greatly their learning skills and achieve higher levels of success and satisfaction in their learning.

Rav Dovid Ehrman is CEO of the Misgeret Learning Institute, Host of the world acclaimed ”Zobin Method” and it’s founder Rav Zvi Zobin, Israel’s no.1 expert in Hebrew reading difficulties.Rav Zobin has thousands of success stories from over 30 years’ experience assessing and helping boys of all ages.

Rav Ehrman together with Rav Zobin will bez”H be able to supply you with solutions for your difficulties.

   Special Corona Discount : 

The first 10 to sign up will for an online meeting will receive a meeting worth 150$ – FREE !!!

Sign up here for adult

Sign up here for a child

Or call:718-841-9696, 052-765-8391


Come learn how…

You can start enjoying your learning!

You can learn sufficiently and stop feeling guilty about your learning!

You can start achieving clarity and satisfaction from your learning!

You can improve easily and rapidly your reading and other basic learning skills to give you the tools to succeed and enjoy your learning!

You can stop limiting beliefs and negative associations which hold you back from connecting to learning!

You can strengthen your connection with the Torah and your spiritual growth!


Sign up here for adult

Sign up here for a child


 What people say:

I want to thank R’ Dovid for the wonderful work he put into me in achieving success and satisfaction in my learning. I gained so much, it switched my life around literally.

My Brocha to him is, he should only have happiness in his life and health and goodness

With love,

Yisrael M., N.J.

P.s. I want to thank R’ Zobin for the program he made that helps so many kids and adults get themselves off the ground and start shteiging away thank you so much.


 Thank you very much Rabbi Ehrman and ‘’Misgeret’’ for all the help you have given me with my reading Hebrew and Aramaic as well us learning and translation.

 I have seen and felt a tremendous growth in my abilities since coming here and it has helped me in my life in general as well.

 I really appreciate everything you have done for me. I would strongly recommend you to anyone struggling with reading and learning.

I would say also ‘’The Zobin Method’’ is a tried (by me and others) and true way to gain success in your reading and learning.

-sincerely Chaim B. ,Canada

HaRav Matisyahu Solomon, Mashgiach, Beis Medrash Gavoha, Lakewood :

It is with great pleasure that I recommend HaRav Zobin’s Method, which has helped many students who would otherwise have wasted their potential.

Sign up here for adult

Sign up here for a child


Many people always strived and dreamed of having success in learning.

 They understand how important it is for not only the next world but also this world.

 Besides the satisfaction and joy it could bring it also is very disturbing the feeling of being unsuccessful for years and feeling inferior to those more successful.

Especially for those in communities where learning is considered the major measure of success.

One of the main reason for this lack of success depends on some very critical skills and ideas that once you know them and learn how to use them it can turn your ability in learning totally around and start finally succeeding at it like you wanted to all along.

A meeting with Rabbi Ehrman can show you bez”H how you can begin the journey to success and enjoyment in your  learning


Sign up here for adult

Sign up here for a child


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