This Sunday! Opening Conversations, Breaking Barriers, and Supporting Reproductive Health

Jewish men and women worldwide struggle with their reproductive health and wellness. They need answers, and they deserve support. 

This Sunday, July 19th through Monday, July 20th, PUAH Fertility will present PUAH Cares: a two-day summit supporting reproductive health and wellness. The virtual event will feature a lineup of prominent lecturers, world-renowned medical experts, rabbinic authorities, and mental health professionals. 

Expert fertility specialists will address critical topics like male factor infertility, secondary infertility, high risk pregnancy, PCOS, fertility preservation and more while prominent rabbanim will address the halachic and hashkafic implications of these challenges. Mental health professionals will address the emotional perspective of reproductive health challenges, and provide valuable support, resources, and guidance. 

Presenters will include  Norman Blumenthal, PhD, Rabbi  Aaron E. Glatt, Charlie Harary, Rabbi YY Jacobson, Joshua Klein, MD, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Jovana Lekovich, MD, Brian Levine, MD, Bat-Sheva L. Maslow, MD, David Pelcovitz, PhD,  Peter N. Schlegel, MD, Rabbi Elan Segelman, Sherman Silber, MD, Rabbi Avraham Steinberg, MD, Rachel Tuchman, LMHC, Rabbi Gideon Weitzman and Zev Williams, MD, PhD. (You can view the full list of presenters, here)

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