Help Us Fulfill a Dream for the Special Needs Community

Gershon Sabol A’H was well known by so many in our community and beyond.  His life was dedicated to Chesed, particularly to helping special needs children and their family members. 

He was the Director of Yedei Chesed in Monsey for the past 25 years, helping, guiding, counselling and dispensing advice to the many people who came to his door seeking assistance and direction.

He was always available to those who sought his expertise, and every suggestion and discussion was conducted with his warm smile and calming demeanor. 

Gershon strongly believed in the importance of providing help and respite to the families and caregivers who are raising special needs children.  He dreamed of building a beautiful respite house to be used for this purpose, and he was in the planning stages of building a state of the art home in Monsey, NY to provide this much needed service.

He was unable to complete this project as he tragically passed away before Pesach, a victim of the coronavirus pandemic. 

The special needs community was most dear to Gershon, and his family, along with the Yedei Chesed organization, is honored to take on this project to ensure that his dream can still become a reality.

Not only will this building bring much needed reprieve and provide necessary services to the special needs community and their families,  but this home will be a true tribute to the life that Gershon led, and will ensure that he can continue giving to those in need, even while he is not physically with us.  

July 23rd,Beis Av would have been Gershon’s 65th birthday.  We cannot think of a more appropriate way to honor and remember our father, then by kicking off the inaugural fundraising project for Gershon’s Respite House.

The project will take a few years to complete and is estimated to cost $2,000,000. We hope to raise 10% of the funds by July 23rd so that we can begin working on this project in earnest.

Every single donation is of value and truly appreciated by the Sabol family and the Yedei Chesed organization.  

Thank you for partnering with us to ensure that we can give back to the Special Needs community and beyond, with the gift of a beautiful respite home.

You can donate here at:

For sponsorship and dedications please reach out to us at [email protected]

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(All donations are tax deductible)

Yedei Chesed Inc

Registered non profit

Chestnut Ridge, NY

EIN 133728771

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