Today Only! Buy Raffle Tickets For Double Chances To Win $180,000.00 Or A House In Tveria!

Bayit Cham’s name represents its essence: It is a warm home with an open door. The organization’s goal is to help people who struggle with a variety of emotional health challenges. This special home is like a balm to so many lost souls who need an attentive ear and a loving and supportive shoulder to lean on.

To help people with mental health issues find their place in society and to enable their families to strive and flourish.

Our Duplex Raffle is an opportunity for you to win double.

A chance to win a luxurious, two floor duplex home near the Kinneret. The duplex is 2800 sqft, has a large deck with a view of the Kinneret, and includes all of the home’s furniture and amenities.

You can choose either the duplex or its cash value: $180,000!

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