Tragic Fire Burns Man in His Backyard

When Reb Chanoch’s wife, Mrs. Chayelle Regal (Chaya Reizel bas Soreh Rivka Alte Gittel), saw her husband enveloped in flames, she ran to save his life, grabbing a hose and spraying water on him. As a result of her heroic attempt, she, too, was badly burned, sustaining second and third-degree burns.A story hard to imagine.


Tragically, Reb Chanoch returned his pure neshamah to his Maker a week later.

Reb Chanoch was really special and forged a very close relationship with many tzaddikim including the Belzer Rebbe and Rabbi David Abichazira, shlit”a by writing their families biography. Rabbi Abichazira told R Chanochs’s son”Your father was supposed to recover, but he was taken as a korbon tzibbur. He is now in a place in Gan Eden that is loftier that I can attain.”He referred to him as “Rabeinu Hagaon Reb Chanoch.”

What is a korban tzibbur? He was taken by fire just like a korban to atone for the sins of Klal Yisroel.

He is in lofty Gan Eden but the family’s like is shattered loosing their most precious father

Mrs.Chayelle Regal is a known producer of Regal Productions and has brought smiles to countless of family’s with 17 Productions .This years “Silver Skates, previous shows “Heidi”, “Prince or Pauper” to mention a few.She wants to bring you more shows but needs your help to continue.

Now that there is no father, The Yesomim need your HELP!!


Chayelle their mother is fighting to heal from her burns. There’s a long road ahead – full of recovery, lots of medical treatments, high medical bills, and healing.

We therefore are setting up a fund in US together with Charity Extra in Uk and Rayze it for the family of Reb Chanoch Regal, zt”l,

Yidden! Tzibbur-please help raise money for this respectable family and get brachos

We are still missing funds to get to our goal of $400,000.

The Mekubalim Rabbi Dovid and Harav Rafael Abichazira were so close to the niftar שליט”א

They are offering a “Bracha to those who donate to help the yesomim !! From Rabbi Dovid שליט”א and R’ Rav Rafael Abichazira שליט”א in Eretz Yisroel”

“התורמים הנכבדים לקרן היתומים יוזכור שמם לברכה אצל האחים האדמו”רים לבית אביחצירא”


Checks can be made out to:

Kolel Chassidei Gur

1727 51st

Brooklyn Ny 11204

Donations will be tax deductable!

Please help save this special Family Today!

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