Proven Formula to Turn Entitled Children Around

“Yosef, where’s the money I left in the drawer.”

“Ma, you were sleeping and I had a trip this morning so I took it.”

“Where’s my phone, Atara?”

“Ma, I’m playing games on the phone.”

“Where are my car keys?”

“What do you mean. You weren’t home, so I went out with my friends.”

Does everything belong to everyone here? Everyone is entitled?

These scenes repeat themselves everyday. A child takes something without permission and assumes you’ll be okay with it.

Can you end the entitlement, for good?

Enter Mrs P, the developer and teacher of the HarmoniUs method.

Since 2005, Mrs. Rachel Plaut has been guiding parents to create homes where harmony, tranquility and respect reign supreme. She founded HarmoniUs, a practical program that gets right to the root of interpersonal issues.

With Mrs P’s expert help, you can solve deep-seated chinuch challenges in a long-lasting way.

When you learn the fool-proof HarmoniUs method, you know exactly how to react effectively to entitlement situations. And which mother doesn’t want that?

Dealing with entitlement, Mrs P has valuable, proven-to-work advice.

Do not be confrontational. Do not be angry. Tell your child, “I’m more than happy to give it to you. But next time, kindly, ask me. It doesn’t mean I’ll give it to you. But the fact is, we will talk.” be calm. Do not be accusatory.

The next time they take something without permission, you will employ leverage. You will not be punishing your child, but cementing your relationship. This leverage is explained fully in the HarmoniUs program.

Learn how to touch the soul of every family member with clear and consistent communication. Get actionable videos from Mrs P straight to your inbox twice a month.

Watch the video to hear it from Mrs P herself.

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