Editorial: Why should it be free to submit name for Tefillah

Answer: Why should it not?

It is imperative and important to know that we at Yad L’Achim don’t and never will require any minimum donation to give names for Tefillah.

In a meeting several years ago with HaRav Aron Leib Steinman zt”l, we discussed this with him at length, and he gave us warm words of bracha.

Over the years, we have received tens of thousands of names for tefillah for free and this year on Tu B’Av is no different.

You can submit names for FREE to the minyan of talmidei chachamim davening in Amuka on Tu B’Av by one of three ways:


2 – Call our 24 live hotline at 1-866-923-5224

3 – Or visit TuBavTogether.com

All names submitted will also be given to HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a for a bracha.

As the title states, giving names for tefillah should be free and on Tu B’Av Together it is.

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