Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC Alerts Consumers of Hernia Mesh Dangers and Lawsuit

Attorney Advertising– NEW YORK— Have you or a loved one suffered serious complications after a hernia repair surgery? Do you believe that the hernia mesh caused your injuries? You may be eligible for compensation.

Over one million hernia repair surgeries are performed each year, many of which use hernia mesh. Hernia mesh is a specific mesh medical device, engineered to support and hold organs in place after surgery. There are three types of hernia mesh categories: synthetic, composite or biologic.

Recent numbers have shown that one out of every three patients report chronic pain or other complications after hernia repair surgery. Defective hernia mesh devices seem to be the cause of many injuries, including:

Hernia recurrenceAbdominal or groin painMesh migrationMesh erosionMesh shrinkageMesh hardeningMesh foldingExtrusion of mesh deviceFailure to adhereLiver injuryAutoimmune injuryOrgan perforationInfectionChronic open woundDelayed wound closureSeroma (build-up of fluid at the site of surgery)Fistula (unusual and painful connections between organs and tissue)Adhesions (abnormal tissue connections due to infection or injury)RashNerve damage

If you or a loved one have experienced any discomfort or pain after a hernia surgery, seek medical attention immediately. Prompt intervention can limit the damage of a defective hernia mesh device.

Hernia mesh is a foreign object, made of foreign materials that is inserted into a body during surgical procedures. If the device is not designed and manufactured properly, a body can reject the mesh, causing serious health complications. Hernia mesh rejection symptoms include:

FeverNauseaVomitingAcute and severe pain in the abdomenLightheadednessFaintingLoss of consciousnessSexual dysfunctionPain during sexRenal failure

Several hernia mesh products have been recalled. The lawsuit claims that the manufacturers did not warn the public of the known issues, risks and hazards of the hernia mesh devices. Consequently, many have suffered as a result of the manufacturers’ omissions.

Bronstein Gewirtz And Grossman is working tirelessly to alert consumers and to help consumers find out their rights. If you or a loved one has experienced problems with a hernia mesh then you may be eligible for compensation. Know your rights! Reach out to Bronstein Gewirtz and Grossman LLC today. For more information, visit:


Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC is a corporate litigation boutique. Our primary expertise is the aggressive pursuit of litigation claims on behalf of our clients. In addition to representing institutions and other investor plaintiffs in class action security litigation, the firm’s expertise includes general corporate and commercial litigation, as well as securities arbitration. Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes.



Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC
Peretz Bronstein
212-697-6484 | [email protected]

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