Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC Alerts Consumers of Elmiron Dangers and Lawsuit

Attorney Advertising– NEW YORK— Did you take Elmiron for 6 months or longer for urinary pain from interstitial cystitis and experience maculopathy or any vision loss or eye damage?

Investigations have discovered that using Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) for urinary pain, can cause vision loss or blindness, a degenerative eye disorder, pigmentary maculopathy.

In 1985 Elmiron was approved as an “orphan drug”, a special status for a drug to treat a rare disease or condition. Elmiron was an approved treatment for interstitial cystitis, a chronic condition that can cause severe bladder and pelvic pain, thought to affect as many as 1 million people (mainly women) in the United States.

Studies have found that roughly 25% of long-term Elmiron users may have developed a vision disorder. The disorder might have been diagnosed as macular degeneration or pattern dystrophy, and after further examiniation shown to be ocular damage, which is now linked to long-term use of Elmiron.

Patients who have taken Elmiron for an extended period of time may experience pigmentary retinal maculopathy, a degenerative visual disorder with symptoms including:

• Blurry Vison

• Night blindness

• Difficulty reading

• Dark spots

• Loss of close vision

• Visual dimming

• Blindness

Anyone who took Elmiron for over 6 months and developed eye problems, vision loss or ocular damage may be eligible for compensation.

The lawsuit claims that Elmiron, manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, under Johnson & Johnson has known about the research linking Elmiron to vision loss since 2018, but has failed to warn consumers of the dangers.

Bronstein Gewirtz And Grossman is working tirelessly to alert consumers and to help consumers find out their rights. If you or a loved one has used Elmiron and have been diagnosed with vision problems, then you may be eligible for compensation. Know your rights! Reach out to Bronstein Gewirtz and Grossman LLC today. For more information, visit:    

Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC is a corporate litigation boutique. Our primary expertise is the aggressive pursuit of litigation claims on behalf of our clients. In addition to representing institutions and other investor plaintiffs in class action security litigation, the firm’s expertise includes general corporate and commercial litigation, as well as securities arbitration. Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes.


Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC
Peretz Bronstein
212-697-6484 | [email protected]

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