Finally: An Online Beis Medrash Program

With all the uncertainty facing us these days the biggest challenge is making plans for the coming year. How can we know what will be in a few weeks from now, let alone a few months from now? The reality is that students are graduating from High Schools and need a solution for next year. Some will be attending programs in Eretz Yisrael with all the uncertainties up ahead. Some will be going to Yeshivas in other cities hoping that conditions in the dormitories will be favorable, while others are still unsure. To further complicate things some students may be in the “more vulnerable” category or have family members that are immuno-compromised, not able to risk the health of those close to them. How can these students also participate in an appropriate learning environment and make the most of their Beis Medrash years?

 This is where Yeshivas Kehilos Yaakov comes in. The first complete Beis Medrash program entirely online. Students will be involved in learning Gemara B’iyun, Bekius, Chumash, Halacha, Mussar with engaging shiurim and ongoing chizuk. The Yeshiva utilizes technology to create a Yeshiva environment with Shiurim, Chavrusas and Chaburos. Ongoing Rebbe- students discussions and assessments, and a full day curriculum including night seder.

 The Yeshiva will also facilitate social interaction by providing opportunities for various chavrusas throughout the day as well as weekly social lunches. If conditions allow, there will be periodic Shabbatons and trips to allow students to cultivate their relationships.

Along with a full day of Limudei Kodesh there is an optional BA track allowing students to pursue a Bachelor’s degree while being immersed in the Yeshiva environment. This allows for students to apply themselves and accomplish their goals, amassing credit for their Torah learning hours and finishing their degree in Computer Science or Judaic Studies. The college track is optional and there will be other special learning opportunities during that time for those electing to focus on Torah study alone.

The program is run by Rabbi Ephraim Weiss, Rav of Makor Synagogue in Scottsdale AZ, and endorsed by Harav Shmuel Kaminetzky Shlit’a.

Students will be required to attend a local daily minyan three times a day and will be encouraged to get physical activity. In fact the yeshiva will arrange for weekly classes promoting exercise and physical activity.

As the Gemara says, Hashem is makdim refuah lamaka, He provides the cure before bringing the affliction. With the advancements in technology we have the tools to allow Torah study and growth to continue even in these times of uncertainty. The concept of online learning is something that has been gaining popularity over the years as there are numerous online schools in all grade levels especially in Universities where an estimated one third of students are studying online.

While there is nothing like being in the Beis Medrash and hearing the Kol Torah in person, perhaps there needs to be a plan for those who can’t be part of it. There will always be those who can’t attend in person for one reason or another and shouldn’t be denied the opportunity to grow in Torah and Yiras Shamayim. One thing is for certain, that an online Yeshiva can’t just be random courses that students take when they wish, but an organized program with a full day schedule with a Rebbe and chavrusas. This program will hopefully fill this important need for Klal Yisrael.

For more information visit:

[email protected]

(845) 204 8843

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