Online Community to Rally Behind Rabbi Bochner of Bonei Olam in Historic Campaign- This Week

The Campaign goes LIVE this Monday-

Please pre- donate and show your support for Rabbi Bochner     

Since the establishment of Bonei Olam, thousands of couples have had the opportunity to experience the heart and soul of Rabbi Bochner.

Rabbi Bochner and Bonei Olam have played this unbelievable role to the tune of 8,700 babies.

These are babies who turned couples into parents and gave grandparents additional nachas they weren’t sure they’d ever experience. 

These 8,700 babies will be’ezras Hashem grow to become outstanding Torah Yidden, raising families of their own. 

Rabbi Bochner has continued to take full responsibility for the staggering monthly budget of Bonei Olam. Somehow, someway, he’s done it, despite the daunting nature of raising astronomical sums. 

Because for Rabbi Bochner, “no” is never an answer.

However, he needs our help. It is time for us to give back to him what he has given to Klal Yisroel.

He has always said “yes,” and now we must, too.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, regular fundraisers and donor visits that had formerly sustained Bonei Olam were halted.

But the organization’s services were not. Not even for a day.

Because Rabbi Bochner doesn’t take a day off when Klal Yisroel needs him. He’s always there for others, no matter the time or period.

And we must be there for him. Now it’s our turn.

As a result of recent global events, Bonei Olam is several months behind in funding and in desperate need of assistance. Hundreds of couples are waiting for help, which can only be provided if we step up and be there for Bonei Olam.

From the total goal of $5 million, Rabbi Bochner has personally accepted upon himself the responsibility to raise $1 million.

 Please, donate to Rabbi Bochner’s page and help him continue his holy work. Let us help him reach the $1 million mark.

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