Just Love Them – Joey Newcomb – Echoing The Song Of Reb Dovid Trenk

Composed & Performed By: Joey Newcomb Music Produced & Arranged By: Doni GrossAn ArtScroll Production

Dedicated by: Jonah and Jo BruckAdditional Lyrics By: Yisroel Besser, Aryeh Kunsler Recorded At: DeG Studios, NYC

A Crunch Time Media Production


Production assistants Ezra and Pinchos Eliyahu

Rabbi Dovid Trenk did it differently….

He had so many tools- laughter and song, passion and power, expectation and hope- but what tied them all together was love: love for the talmid and love for the Torah he was teaching.Celebrate the message of Reb Dovid and let the notes of optimism, joy, faith and boundless love for every neshama fill your homes and hearts….

Only With Love!

To buy the life-changing biography of Rabbi Trenk click here:https://bit.ly/2BnL4by

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