Bring the Beis Medrash Home – Start Hilchos Shabbos

Are you looking for some structure to learn halacha seriously even with a full schedule?  Are you interested in getting Semicha but feel that it is too difficult to do alone?

Yeshivas Iyun Halacha has been gearing to those that need their own schedule by sending written shiurim supplemented with video conference shiurim.  The Hilchos Shabbos program is now starting simon 253 – the halachos of shehiya and chazora.  Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is where you can get a kinyan in halacha at your own pace, in your own place. 

Written shiurim are sent out by e-mail once or twice a week. Each shiur starts by explaining how the halacha is derived from the sugyos and poskim and takes you all the way to the halacha l’ma’aseh.  To supplement the written shiurim, there is a weekly shiur through video conference where talmidim around the world learn together just as if they were in a standard yeshiva.

The Rav of the program is Harav Dovid Ostroff, a moreh hora’ah in Har Nof, talmid of Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Zt”l and chavrusa of Harav Ezriel Auerbach Shlit”a.   Rav Ostroff is available for the talmidim, either through e-mail, telephone, or Skype.

To avoid the ‘learn today, forget tomorrow syndrome, Yeshivas Iyun Halacha has developed a system of chazarah that enables participants to retain what they have learned. In addition, at the end of every shiur there are review questions that allow one to test his knowledge. Periodic quizzes and tests offer additional opportunities for review.

Other programs available are:

Issur V’heter, Brachos, Eiruvin, Kiddushin, Nidah, Aveilus, Choshen Mishpat, Yichud and Refuah.

“Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is as close to a bais medrash experience as you will find without actually being in one,” says Moshe Litwack of Silver Spring, MD. “Where else could I have access to rabbeim with a wealth of Torah knowledge? Where else could I have learned all of those sugyos in depth? The materials are written clearly and the chazarah reinforces what I have learned. At the end of the day, you are only limited by how much time you put into the program.”


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