Devastated! Eight Heartbroken Children Motherless & Destitute

“Totty, Totty!” Three year old Dovy came running into the room, “I want to talk to Mommy, but she’s not moving, she looks very scary…” he burst into tears.

Scary indeed… Mommy was motionless, mommy wasn’t breathing, mommy was in her bed, but has graciously returned her soul to its creator, leaving behind her grieving family, shocked, devastated, and speechless. 


How can it be? She fought so courageously, she exceeded all medical expectations, she surpassed all her grave prognosis, and she was so hopeful, positive and upbeat.

Mrs. Rochel Horowitz A”H, was a dedicated mother to her eight children, a model of modesty and humility, a true .אשה צדקנית Nothing got in the way of her Emunah and Bitachon. For nearly five years she battled cancer with all her might, but at the young age of 45, Hashem made that final call, to bring her pure Neshoma back to heaven.

When she was first diagnosed, her doctors were stunned by her strength, how she thanked Hashem for this upcoming ordeal. “This must be for my own good”, she proclaimed.

There is no way to adequately describe the intense pain this family is now experiencing. Five years of tremendous anguish, of ups and downs, of hopes and prayers, all came crashing down in a single moment.


Her eight unmarried children have lost their crown jewel, their role model, their backbone. The horror is inexplicable, the pain is indescribable, and unless the proper course of action is taken immediately, the trauma of all these years will leave a terrible scar on this family’s emotional well-being.

Additionally, this devastating ordeal has left this family in dire financial straits. Their future faces great uncertainty unless we come together as a community to help them pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.


Dear brothers and sisters, my fellow Jews, Open up your hearts. We cannot ignore the pain of eight devastated orphans, we cannot sit idly by when their lives have been destroyed by this inconceivable tragedy?

They are counting on your support, they are counting on your sympathy, and they are relying on your compassion! Do not let them down!

Please contribute generously, and together let’s bring some light into their darkest moment.



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